1. Complete the SSD Application for Services. (https://go.unl.edu/ssdapplication)
If you have a UNL/Husker email address please use it, otherwise your personal email address will work temporarily.
2. Provide documentation of your disability by having your healthcare provider complete the appropriate verification form listed below. Documentation may be e-mailed (ssddocumentation@unl.edu).
NOTE: Photos of diagnostic information are not accepted. If you do not have access to a scanner, please scan your documentation using an app such as Adobe Scan or Genius.
- Attention Deficit Disorders Form
- Chronic Health Disabilities Form
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing Documentation
- Learning Disability Documentation
- Mental Health Disabilities Form
If your disability is not represented in the list above, please provide a letter from a licensed healthcare provider that includes:
- the diagnosed condition(s),
- the treatment being provided, and
- a description of how the disability impacts you in an education setting.
3. Once the SSD office has received your Application for Services and your documentation, we will contact you to schedule an appointment.
4. Your appointment with a disability specialist is an interactive process that includes reviewing documentation, discussing potential barriers, and determining eligibility for reasonable accommodations.
5. If the student is applying for specific housing accommodations, their medical provider should complete and submit the Medical Verification for Housing Accommodations Form IN ADDITION TO one of the preceding forms.
- Medical Verification for Housing Accommodations Form
https://www.unl.edu/ssd/PDFs/2022 Housing Accommodation Form.pdf