SSD Directions for Requesting Services


  1. Make an appointment with each of your instructors and share a copy of your Accommodation Plan.  You must be present and available to answer questions at this meeting.
  2. Talk to your instructor about their exams and where they will be taken. Instructors decide where exams are administered.
  3. For paper exams and quizzes, instructors complete the SSD Instructor Exam Proctor Form (Link has been added to the student accommodation plan.) The instructor will identify where you will take paper exams (at SSD testing center or a location provided by the instructor).  It is your responsibility to discuss scheduling conflicts with your instructor in advance.  Your exams may need to be scheduled at alternative times so you are not missing other classes. 
  4. Once the proctor form is completed, a copy will be sent to SSD, the instructor, and you.  If the instructor wants your exams proctored at SSD, you will report to SSD testing center on the scheduled days and times. 
  5. If exams are online, no additional information is needed by SSD. The instructor extends the time.


Questions regarding Testing Accommodations should be directed to Melissa Wulf (



If you need your materials in an accessible format (E-Text, Braille, large print, etc.), fill out the E-Text Request form. E-mail the completed form to Jen Wagner, SSD Assistive Technology Specialist (


If you have questions concerning your Glean notetaking software accommodation, e-mail Jen Wagner, SSD Assistive Technology Specialist  (