The SSD office coordinates Interpreting and/or Transcribing services for D/deaf or hard of hearing students who have provided the necessary documentation and are registered with the SSD office. Services are available for classroom and lab requirements, academic-related activities, and non-academic campus events. Students meet with professional staff each semester to review services and discuss class schedules for the following semester. Service requests for non-academic (course related) activities must be submitted in writing (email). Requests should follow the recommended guidelines for service requests at UNL.
Prospective and in-coming students must inform Campus Visits, Admissions, and New Student Enrollment (NSE) if they need interpreting or transcription services for their visits/activities at UNL. Two weeks' advance notice is preferred to coordinate the appropriate services.
D/deaf and hard of hearing students who enroll in distance education classes and who need accommodations must register with the SSD office. Distance Ed students should inform their online instructors that they will need accommodations.