Students who seek accommodations at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln must provide documentation of their disability from an appropriate, licensed professional. The documentation must include the diagnosed condition, the treatment being provided (if any) and it can also suggest accommodations. Below are forms that licensed professionals can use to provide this information:

(The full University of Nebraska – Lincoln Documentation Policy can be found under Services for Students)

Steps to receive services at the university:

  1. You can fax, mail or e-mail your documentation to SSD. You can also make an appointment with a staff member and bring it with you when you come.
  2. If you fax, mail or e-mail the documentation, after it is received in the SSD office, our staff will contact you to schedule an appointment.



Accommodation request forms should be submitted early in the semester. To request Notetaking Software, contact Jen Wagner (jwagner6@unl.edu). For Test Accommodations (extended test time), see our homepage for further instructions (https://www.unl.edu/ssd/home). Requests for Electronic or alternative texts can be submitted as soon as you know the texts required for your next semester’s classes.

Students may submit information at any time during the semester. However, it may take 1 to 2 weeks for some requests to be processed and filled. Electronic or alternative texts require additional advance notice.

All forms should be typed online and e-mailed to the designated staff member.  If you have any difficulty with the request forms, please call the SSD office for assistance.  402-472-3787. 

SCREENREADER USERS: The forms provided through this page are all accessible via the JAWS screen reading software. For more information on JAWS, please click here.

The following forms are required to request accommodations/services each semester.