Lecture classes and online classes have separate processes for requesting test accommodations. Please follow the steps described below.
Requesting test accommodations for LECTURE classes
1. Pick up copies of your Individual Accommodation plan (IAP) at the SSD office.
2. Make an appointment with each instructor and share a copy of your IAP.
3. Using a link on the bottom of your IAP, your instructor will complete a proctor form that identifies where and when you will take exam/quizzes. A form will be completed by your instructor for both paper and online exams. Be sure to discuss any scheduling conflicts you will experience with your test time extended. Your exams may need to be scheduled at alternative times so you are not missing other classes.
4. Once the proctor form is completed, a copy of the proctor form will be sent to the SSD Testing Center, the instructor and you. If the instructor wants your exams proctored by SSD, you will report to the SSD Testing Center on the scheduled days and times. If your exams are online and taken at Digital Learning Center (DLC), you will go online to DLC website to request a seat.
Requesting test accommodations for ONLINE classes
For online classes with online exams/quizzes, you are not required to meet with your instructors.
E-mail Melissa Wulf at mwulf2@unl.edu and provide the following information.
Student name and ID number
Class/Section (e.g. ENGL 150-002)
Instructor name and instructor e-mail
You will receive an email that confirms your instructor has added extended time.
Please call the SSD Testing Center if you have questions. 402-472-3730